“It’s easy to dream about it, but much harder to execute it” – Gary Vaynerchuk

Everyone has a dream, but very few people are out there living their dream. Why is this?

Well, the hard truth is that dreams are nothing without the dedication, hard work and sacrifice it takes to get them off the ground.

I am currently attempting to fulfill my own dream to live a life of purpose, passion, and exploration.

At this moment I am attempting to orchestrate a journey to travel across Canada in a bus while challenging myself to tackle new and exciting goals and attempting to connect with amazing Canadians along the way.

This is no small venture and it is already pushing me to the very ends of my limits.

At the end of the day though, I know there is only one way to make my dreams come true…hustle.

Hustle to make sacrifices

Nothing worth accomplishing ever comes without some sort of sacrifice, so you need to be willing to give up everything if you hope to ever get everything you are looking for.

The question is, do you want it bad enough?

Are you willing sacrifice enough fun now to be able to achieve great things later? Are you willing to forgo your freedom and comfort if it’ll bring you success and happiness?

For most people, that answer (despite what they may tell you) is no.

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.” ― Eric Thomas

So far along my own journey, I have had to say no to friends, forgo fun weekends, challenge my relationship with my girlfriend (love you Britt) and basically minimize everything that doesn’t directly impact making my dream come true.

This is easily the most difficult part of hustling for your dreams, but it’s also the most important as it’s these daily distractions that will serve to delay and deter you most from reaching your goals.

Hustle to get uncomfortable

If you’re not uncomfortable than you’re simply not hustling hard enough.

If what you are doing isn’t scary, challenging, or exhausting, then most likely it’s either far too easy or you’re drastically underachieving your goals.

It’s only when you get to the edge of your comfort zone and push (throw) yourself over that edge that you can discover true success.

I’ve learned the hard way that this is where dreams live; not wrapped up in a pretty package with a bow but on the other side of the hundredth phone call you don’t want to make, or the extra push-up your too tired to try.

“Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.” – Peter McWilliams

Hustle the hard work

It’s not always the most talented or the smartest person that is able to achieve their dreams, often it’s simply the person who is willing to work the hardest to get there.

Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Tim Notke

I’ve always struggled with execution. What takes some people an hour, almost always takes me three or four….but I learned a long time ago that my work ethic could be my difference maker.

I realized that if you can wake up every day and dedicate everything you have to your goals then you can accomplish almost anything.

It’s this dedication to do what the other guy (or girl) won’t and to do that work consistently every single day, that will get you to your goals.


At this point, I have no doubt in my mind that I will get to the bus that I am seeking and the life that I desire. My dreams may be big but I know my dedication to hustle won’t let me fail.

So now I’d like to ask you, are you hustling for your dreams?

Are you content to just be a dreamer…or you are you committed to be what you need to be to make your dreams become a reality?


Please follow me on my journey as I strive for my dreams and try and lead a life worth hustling for.