So you want to get into shape? Well, what exactly does that mean? The concept of fitness is as frustrating as it is noisy and confusing.

The wrong fitness path

For most of us, we’ve committed to getting fit for all the wrong reasons. We’ve seen Hollywood celebrities parading around their rock hard and well-formed bodies and we’ve dreamt of being just like them. We’ve let the over photoshopped, over marketed perception of fitness persuade us into thinking that we aren’t good enough the way we are.

It’s this mentality that drives us into short-term diet fads, eating disorders, depressions, and it’s this reason that so many of us have gym memberships that we never use.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can build yourself a fitness lifestyle that will truly make you happier and healthier. You just need to decide to invest in your fitness for the right reasons.

Know why it’s worth the pain

There’s no way around it, getting into shape is hard work. So the most important thing you can do for yourself is know why you’re doing it in the first place.

Try and look past all the BS and pressure that the world has put on you and focus on why fitness and health are important to you. Do you really need to be so skinny that you can’t eat or so jacked that the gym is all you have? Probably not.

The goal should always and only be your happiness.

Maybe you want to be more active because you’ve been getting overweight, maybe you’d like to have more energy so you’re not crashing midway through your day, or maybe you’d like to have more confident when attempting to approach the opposite sex.

Whatever your motivation, make sure it’s something you’re doing just for you because when the going gets tough (and it will) it’s this why that will keep you moving forward.

A SMARTer fitness plan

Just like any other goal, your fitness desires have to be measured and adapted for you.

Before starting anything you must first decide on a SMART fitness goal. SMART means, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. If your goals are not bound by these 5 foundations, you are doomed to fail before you even begin.

Perhaps you decide that you want to lose 10 pounds before Christmas or run 6 km’s every day for a month. Whatever it is, make sure it’s SMART and make sure it’s something you’ll be willing to completely commit to 100 percent.

Don’t talk about it, be about it

“Good intentions might sound nice, but it’s positive actions that matter.” – Tim Fargo

At the end of the day, fitness is about action and all the goals, plans and aspirations in the world won’t get you further ahead unless you’re willing to put in the work.

Fortunately, the great thing with committing to being fit is that form matters far less than function.

As I previously mentioned in my last article, there are plenty of strategies to workout and plenty of diets to cut fat. Although some will suit your fitness goals better than others, the important thing is that you pick one (or a few) and invest yourself into them completely.

If you were to run only 6 km’s 3 times per week and drastically cut down your sugars for just one month you would see some massive shifts to your waistline, energy level, and overall fitness.

Balance is everything

I believe the true reason why most of us should strive to get into shape is simply a matter of balance.

Balance is a commitment to not overindulging in our daily lives. It’s a belief that in order to live our lives to the fullest we need to allow ourselves some rewards and push ourselves to make some sacrifices.

Balance means that we can eat healthy, but still enjoy the odd pizza, that we stay active but still spend the odd Sunday watching Netflix, and that we drink reasonably but still enjoy the odd evening of indulgence with some friends.

Maybe, like me, you’ve found yourself on the far side of that balance and you’ve been indulging a bit more than sacrificing. Maybe like me, it’s time you committed to a 30-day challenge and shocked your body back into shape.

If so, know that you don’t have to sacrifice forever. Commit to rebalancing the scales in your life and your reward will be the luxury of indulgence once again.

This is a life in balance and I believe, a life worth living.


Check back with me as I continue my journey to tune up my body and educate myself on what makes a better more balanced me.