One year ago I set out on a journey to change my life with the crazy idea to dedicate myself to tackling a new life goal every single month.

Now, a year later I sit reflecting upon that journey.

What have I learned, what have I lost, what improvements have I really made to my life?

I’d like to take this time to share with you some insights that I’ve discovered over my year of adventures, challenges. setbacks and successes.

Here is, part 1 of my lessons to scale your life:

Life moves pretty fast, you need to stop and look around once and a while or you’ll miss it

Have you ever driven to work and then realized once you got there that you didn’t recall any of the trip over? Yes, of course you have, we’ve all done that.

This is because, after 100 or so trips your brain began to recognize the patterns of your drive to work and eventually it went into sleep mode.

When you’re younger you’re constantly learning, and growing so time moves slowly. When you’re older you rarely experiencing anything new so your brain naturally goes into the same kind of sleep mode it does when you drive to work. This is when years get lost…

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.”

Back in July, when I had challenged myself to experience something new every single day, I pushed myself out of my routine and forced myself to experience new things again and the month seemed to last forever.

If you want to start living your life, buck the routine or you’ll find life will pass you by and you’ll be left wondering how you got here years from now.

Get out of your bubble and search for your ‘Why’

Your ‘why’ is your purpose; it’s a driving belief that makes you willing to make sacrifices and overcome obstacles to push yourself forward.

Most people sit and wait for their purpose to come to them. They wait in safe comfortable spaces for life to intervene and hand them a direction or passion.

Unfortunately, this is the very thing that will keep them from discovering their life’s true meaning.

Only by taking action, getting off your couch and out of your comfort zone can you discover something worth investing yourself into.

“Even the greatest was once a beginner. Don’t be afraid to take that first step.”

Try running, try painting, try volunteering just for the sake of trying it and I’ll guarantee you’ll discover the purpose and passion you have been missing in your life.

Life is hard, you need to fight harder

“Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of you life as a champion.”

Do you know the difference between winners and losers?

The difference is, winners simply want it more. They train harder, sacrifice more and hustle until they are able to achieve their goals.

It’s easy to take a day off or spend another weekend drinking with your friends. It’s easy to have an average and uninspired life.

But if you want to achieve something greater, if you want to live a life of achievement, fulfillment and purpose then you need to be able to commit yourself to it even in the most difficult time.

This year I dealt with distractions, with haters, with fears, and with personal challenges. I had so many reasons to quit but I knew if I wanted a life worth living then I had to be able to commit, hustle and sacrifice until I got there.

Indecision is a trap! You need to escape from it now!

“I do not believe in making the right decision, I make a decision and make it right.”

I spent the better part of my life wanting to do everything and actually doing very little.

I let indecision become my decision and I was at the mercy of where it took me (and spoiler alert…it wasn’t somewhere good).

Ask yourself what your interests are, what your dreams are, what you’re curious about, what inspires you, and what motivates you?

Decide and start pursuing it. It doesn’t have to be the thing you do forever but it’ll be a hell of a lot sweeter than living with the decisions someone else has made for you.


This has easily been the most incredible year of my life and I’m so happy to share these insights with you. Checkout ‘Part 2‘ of my lessons to scale your life and I hope this inspires you to build yourself a life worth living.

PS: All quotes are from the late and extremely great Muhammad Ali.