First off I’ve always been a car guy. Not a car guy in the sense that I could take one apart and have any idea how to put it back together again (not my forte at all) but a car guy in the sense that I love driving my car. I am the proud owner of an Octane Blue 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer that I bought brand new off the lot (my first new car). I’ve put over 160,000kms of road trips and adventures on that car in the last 6 years and she’s been nothing but absolutely great to me.

Day to day I drive her exactly 7.5 mins to commute to work which I love because it’s fast and convenient. I get up and I’m out the door and at work in no time flat and when I want to get home I can blink and I’m there. My general feeling was always the quicker the better as my schedule was already jam packed enough with work, the Jr Chamber, the blog, my girlfriend and a small social life so I didn’t have any time for a long commute.

This of course all changed the day I started my budget challenge. Since I was broke and couldn’t afford to drive my beautiful car anymore I knew was going to have to bike everywhere! I knew my commutes were now going to suck… I was going to have to get up early, pack a lunch (no $$’s to eat out) and dress like it was December all over again because it was absolutely freezing to bike anywhere (the first day of the month it actually snowed :S ). I knew it wouldn’t be fun but I knew I had no choice so I sucked it up and got on the bike.


A few days passed, then a week, then before I knew it I was already half way through my month. As time went by I noticed a funny thing had happened, biking had actually become fun! Actually more than that, biking had become a kind of an addiction!


Calming Commutes


It was weird, I all of a sudden I was biking more and biking further on purpose! My commutes were no longer taxing grinds on the bike but instead they had become my favorite part of my day. Instead of speeding to and from one stressful environment to the next I was forced to slow down and take some time out that was just for me. I could listen to some good music (Slacker Radio – Alternative Deep Drive is my jam), catch up on my ever expanding podcast list (Tim Ferriss Podcast dominates, motivates and educates (ps: Tim that ones on me)) or I can simply unplug and enjoy the ride with nothing but my thoughts. That extra 30 minutes everyday on my commute was somehow adding so much value to my life. I was less stressed day to day, I was more mentally prepared for the challenges of each day and I felt like I was getting more done.

Commuting Community

Biking Community

Ever notice bikers or pedestrians on the road and secretly mentally spurn them for holding up your commute? I used to do this all the time! Actually now that I think back on it I was kind of an angry driver. Grandma was always driving 10kms too slow, work van was always driving in the passing lane instead of the slow lane, or some asshole would always be cutting me off to merg across two lanes so they could turn left at the next intersection. Driving made me upset and frustrated and generally have less respect and optimism for the rest of the human race.

I was also (shamefully) not the safest driver at times…My phone was a constant distraction, even in recent efforts to not text and drive it was still difficult not to at least peak at the message before I got to my destination. Other distractions like checking my hair in the mirror, the radio, and on and on weren’t helping my safety record.

Biking on the other hand was completely different. Not only did biking not make me upset at the world it actually seemed to make me and others happy. Old people would wave at me as I rode by and other bikers would give me the nod of approval as if to say “hey, welcome to the club.” Even sketchy looking skateboard kids (I used to be one of you a long time ago) would give me a “sup,” which is basically I high five in skater. There was this whole community of positive people that were out exercising and exploring the outdoors and I got to be one of them just for taking part. Even my safety was better as the worst thing I could do is crash while taking a selfie (hasn’t happened yet knock on wood). Why had I been cooped up in my car all these years?

Slow Down And Smell The Backyard BBQ

Slow biking

Biking along at 20kms/hour you get to enjoy the perfect blend of speed and spacial presence. I know this sounds dorky but I really started to enjoy the atmosphere of my commute. I loved discovering new areas of my community especially in Kelowna because there’s so many different avenues to explore. I could check out the small old houses in my area or ride over to the sleek new developments of downtown or even go out in to the outdoors and check out knox mountain. You just seemed to appreciate it more on the bike because you weren’t wizzing by it at 60kms an hour. It’s given me a far greater appreciation for the beautiful place that I live in and made me kind of sad I hadn’t explored it more before now.

Epic Group Rides

boredom Biking ride

Not all riding is slow and self reflective, sometimes it’s fast and freeing. I’ve gone on a few long group rides now and they seem to be just as addictive as the day to day commutes, just for totally different reasons. When you go on a group ride it’s an adventure. You set out knowing that when you’re done you will have conquered a huge challenge and covered a big chunk of the city (if not a few cities). There’s a great sense of accomplishment knowing you left all of your energy out there on the ride and grinded your way to top and back.

Plus flying down hill at 60kms/hour is So much fun and makes the grind up (almost) totally worth it.

speedy biking

Hooked On Cycling

Biking beauties

I think it’s fair to say I’m hooked on biking and this is definitely something I want to keep doing far after my budget month. Will I bike everyday to work still? Ya probably. I mean, knowing I don’t have to (like the next time it rains) will be nice but the experience is too fulfilling to give up now.

Luckily I was fortunate enough to get a biking hookup for the remainder of my month.

After my previous two…incidents with my friend Drew’s bikes The Bike Barn Penticton was kind enough to sponsor me with this gorgeous carbon fiber road bike for the last couple weeks of my month. Not only that but since I saved so much money this month and I’ve discovered this new passion I think it’s only fitting that I reward myself by taking it off their hands permanently.

Biking barn

Thank you Bike Barn Penticton for generously donating me this incredible ride to complete my budget challenge and I will definitely be in first thing in April to give you some dough for my new toy.