Life…Not As Advertised

Life is exciting, life is adventurous, life is spontaneous and life is trilling. Life can whisk you away to new and interesting places, or push you to do things you never thought were possible. Life is amazing, fantastic and exhilarating!  …or at least that’s what we’d like our lives to be.

Unfortunately the reality is that our lives are more often a pretty simple and uneventful experience. We get up, scramble to get ready, go to work, get a few hours of real work done (sometimes), head home, eat dinner, watch TV and go to sleep. This process eats up probably 70% of our lives and realistically without either winning the lottery or stumbling across a hidden treasure there’s not a lot we can do to change it.

So what can we change? What can we do to make life more of the adventure that it’s supposed to be?

Well the answer as far as I can figure is far simpler and easier than we might imagine. It doesn’t take a lot of work, it doesn’t require you traveling around the world and it’s something you can do everyday. The answer is… to do something new as often as we possibly can.

Think about it, if life is truly about excitement and adventure than isn’t life really just about exploring and trying new things? How can you have excitement and adventure if you’re stuck doing the same things day in and day out…well obviously, you can’t. But if you make your life an experiment, if your push yourself to step outside of your comfort zone just a little bit, then perhaps life would open up and become something more fulfilling and amazing?

The Answer Is New

We’ve all experienced this feeling when we’ve gone on vacation. That thrill of being somewhere new, surrounded by people you don’t know, with a whole list of activities that you’ve never tried before. You feel energized, you feel eager, you feel alive. But why then can’t we recreate this feeling in our daily lives? Why can’t we push ourselves to explore just a little bit more everyday so that we might enjoy our lives just a little bit more.

This is why I’ve decided to challenge myself to experience something new every single day for the entire month of July. It’s my hope that if I can complete this goal then maybe exploration will become a habit and maybe I’ll even start to crave it. If I can do that, then maybe that 70% of life I live right now can turn into a 100% of a life worth living.

This is Not A Solo Challenge

First of all if I’m going to do this, I need your help. Sure there’s some new things that I have planned but I also need some awesome suggestions. Tell me what you have always wanted to try or what you’ve done that you absolutely loved.

I’ve created a public Google Doc below for suggestions and I’ve put a few on there to get us started. Let’s collaborate and make this month a July to remember.

New Experience Doc

Experience Something New Brainstorm

Finally, I’d like to encourage all of you to get involved. Why don’t you give some of the suggestions a try and share you’re awesome, embarrassing or inspiring stories. You may not be able to do a whole months worth but I bet if you tried even a handful you will discover a much more entertaining, fulfilling and exciting life.