Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop to look around once in a while you could miss it.” This quote by famous 1980’s movie philosopher Ferris Buller has always been one of my favourites. It’s stood as a reminder for me that life is precious and not to be wasted, that life needs to be about fun and entertainment just as much as it does about work and achievement. This quote has inspired me to live a more adventurous and exciting life but after taking on my new challenge to read 10 books in 1 month I’ve come to the realization that young Mr. Buller’s words also meant something more.

It’s midday on a sunny August afternoon as I write this article from Conkle Lake in southern British Columbia. I’ve taken a long weekend to go camping in an attempt to escape the hustle and chaos of my big city life. There is no cell reception, no TV and absolutely no distractions (well at least no distractions after my friends have floated out into the middle of the lake).

The last few days have been truly peaceful. I’ve been able to relax in a way that I haven’t in a very long time. There are no notifications pending or emergencies to tackle, there is just me, the beach and my books.

Slow down and enjoy doing nothing

It’s a funny thing reading for long periods of the day. Whether it’s here on the beach or at home in my backyard, I’ve noticed the longer I read the more I seem to be able to relax and let the pressures of the world fall away.

My mind less focused on pending deadlines and responsibilities but instead focuses and engages on simplicity.

I rarely take time to just stop and sit without distraction in my regular life. With my new found passion project Scale My Life, I am almost always busy organizing challenges and striving to put together greater achievements. I’m having lots fun and experiencing new things everyday but sadly am still flying through my days almost just as quickly as I was previously when I was wasting my time with parties and procrastination.

less beach

The power of less

Reading it seems, has a fringe benefit that I had never really considered before. It’s more than just engaging stories and insightful perspectives; reading is actually a form of mediation. You are, in essence, taking a mental vacation to wherever your book will take you.

This process and realization has been quite enlightening. Having never really taken the time to sit and read at length before, my life seemed to be progressively stuck on fast forward. By finally being able to unplug and just be in the moment as I read my books I have felt less stressed and more focused than ever before.

Reflecting on my favorite Ferris Buller quote again I think I’ve missed an important component to what he was trying to say. Life is about fun and adventure, it’s about goals and achievement but it’s also about balance. Life is a rush from the moment you get out of bed to the moment you finally put down your phones and go to sleep, so when you get the chance slow down and unplug, you might just find you’re able to enjoy the journey that much more.