The fat trap

Why do we allow ourselves to fall into the trap of being unhealthy, unfit blobs? How do we get sucked into the cycle of being inactive, screen starring, coach potatoes?

Well, because it’s easy, indulgent, and a lot more fun. After all, who doesn’t want to have a fatty cheeseburger, some beer and wings or Netflix, ice-cream, and chill? All of those things are awesome!

The problem, of course, is a matter of balance, or I should say, the general lack thereof.

We’re all guilty of it from time to time, overindulging in life’s sweeter (and saltier) pleasures and forgetting to put in the effort to burn them off. But when it becomes your entire lifestyle, that’s when you know you have a real problem.

The excuses

Everyone has their list of excuses…

I’m too busy to go to the gym, it’s too expensive, I don’t know what I’m doing, I feel self-conscious, I can’t get up early enough, or I like chocolate way too much.

Although somewhat justified, these excuses become crutches that we use to pardon our over indulgent lifestyles and inevitably as time goes on this starts to get the better of us.

We’ve all experienced it, first you become stressed so you decide to stop going to the gym, then your diet slips to fast food only, and before you know it you’re feeling sluggish, unmotivated and more stressed than you were when you first started. Sadly, the worst part is that once you’re here it takes 10 times the effort to pull yourself back to the balance you once had.

Committing to a better me

After the last few months of falling into this very trap of feeling unhealthy, overworked and unbalanced I’ve decided that enough is enough.

I realized that all my excuses weren’t actually making my life easier. If anything, they were the very things that were making my life worse.

Sure, I got to eat and drink whenever I wanted, but I had lost all sense of balance and structure. I was incredibly busy but my lifestyle was actually giving me less energy or stamina to tackle it all. By not putting in the effort to be active, healthy and fit I was only making myself tired, stressed and less productive. Not to mention that my gut had made a wonderful re-appearance.

I decided I needed to re-commit to a happier, healthier lifestyle before it was too late. I decided to make this month my Fitness Challenge and force myself to get back into shape.

The only problem…I had no idea where to begin.

Fitness noise

The world of fitness seems to be one of the most confusing and most cluttered places on the internet.

Yoga, Crossfit, Calisthenics, Plyometrics, Weight Training, Cardio, Ab Shockers, and on and on.

Sadly these are only the workout routines. Diets have their own equally absurd and equally complicated search results.

Shakes, Proteins, Juices. Paleo diets, Slow Carb diets, No Carb diets, High protein, low sugar, high fats, and so on and so forth.

Everyone has a solution and their solution is the ONLY solution for you… Even if you wanted to get into shape, where do you begin?

Cutting through the fitness fat

My goal over the course of this month is to not only shock my body back into a more manageable and maintainable shape but to try and make sense of the confusing and oh so cluttered world of health and fitness.

My commitment is to workout for a minimum of one hour every single day for the entire month of November, diet on a low carb, no preservative, and no sugar diet, as well as to explore what makes a happy, healthy and balanced lifestyle.

To see my workout schedule check out my events page and make sure to check in regularly for interviews and stories as I document my journey to go from flab to fab.